Analytics Platform for Business

Insights Pro is an analytics tool that allows merchants to see their business performance with access to over 30 individual metrics.

My role

I owned the design of the end-to-end product from beta to initial launch. I also led several meetings with stakeholders during the process.


1 Product designer,
1 Product manager,
1 Program manager,
1 Product marketing,
2 User research,
4 Engineers,
1 QA Engineer




Mar 2021–Apr 2022
(13 months)


Analytics is one of the most important tools to understand and improve merchants’ business. It has the potential to provide a significant amount of insight into making any critical business decisions.

The problem

Merchants didn’t find much value in the Insights page as they only had access to extremely limited data

Research showed that merchants weren’t utilizing the Insights page as much. They believed that the feature wasn’t valuable to them as it provided very limited data—6 metric cards in total including a few that the merchants didn’t draw any insights from.

“For now, it is hard to ask the team to spend more time on certain projects because we only have limited data. There’s not much we can optimize.”

Merchant @ Concepts
The previous Insights page

The solution

Allow merchants to have a deeper understanding of  their business and achieve greater results by leveraging enhanced analytics

Our team enhanced the feature by providing access to much more in-depth and valuable data to look at. This has increased the merchants’ awareness of how their apps are used by their consumers and enabled them to increase app performance by taking actions on the insights provided.

Initial research

Running an initial concept test with merchants

We conducted interviews with 6 enterprise merchants in high-growth companies. Each merchant responded to high fidelity wireframes that I created which surfaced new proposed metrics. The objectives of the interview included:

Merchants provided us guidance on which metrics to remove and how to iterate certain metrics from our existing Insights page. We were able to define the top priority metrics from the ones that we proposed as well as additional metrics that would be valuable to them.

The approach

I developed a new Insights Pro design for beta MVP with set metrics based on the feedback given by the merchants.

UI revamp

With the new Tapcart design system being worked in parallel, I had the opportunity to define the visual components for metrics cards. Some major things that I worked on were: updated typography, applied 4px baseline grid system, and reinforced accessibility to meet AA standards.

Old design - outdated, lacking clear hirarchy
New design - modern with strong hierachy

Color system

The usage of colors in our old design lacked consistency. With our new design, we wanted to make sure that the colors represent the same entity throughout the entire page for increased clarity. We landed on a set color palette after many rounds of reviews.

New data colors

New tabs & increased space efficiency

I introduced a new tab system that groups metrics into 5 key areas to allow the user to readily navigate to their specific areas of interest. In addition, our old placement of the date picker felt clunky and didn’t allow space for additional buttons to be added. I redesigned the layout of the date picker to feel more streamlined and can scale effectively with additional buttons.

Learnings from beta

Key insights from research

After launching the beta, we conducted 5 in-depth interviews with selected active merchants along with a feedback survey for the entire beta test. Some of the highlights of the feedback received were:

User interview sticky notes

Merchants wanted to be able to digest individual push notification performance at a glance instead of having to select the push and then click into each pill individually. I iterated towards creating a separate table to display aggregated data information in regards to a particular push notification. This allows them to easily compare and analyze the data.

We learned that merchants wanted to see how their push performed against their totals in different sectors. It led me to design a new line chart to display relative performance.

Total push notification performance chart

Merchants wanted to be able to see more than their top 3 performing products. Based on the feedback given, I created an expanded view for each product card that allowed merchants to view a total of 10 products per card.

After making all of the necessary design iterations with added engineering effort, Insights Pro was launched on August 23rd, 2022.


Leveraging feedback early and often

Moving forward, I would like to revisit the overall categorization of the tabs and see if there is any barrier to navigating them. To test this, we could run an experiment where we examine how fast merchants are able to find a given metric. This will enable us to understand if they see a high correlation between the metrics and the tabs they are housed in.

Receiving feedback from our merchants shortly after the beta launch was incredibly beneficial as it allowed us to iterate with clear objectives. Our team can continue to leverage customer feedback as a key resource since the product has much more room for enhancement as the merchants continue to uncover new areas of their business they want insight into.